Mind Shots

Challenge values and beliefs, spark conversation and debate, and break the boredom

Mindshots are 15 minute quick fire adaptations of the One World presentations. Designed to have the biggest impact in the shortest time! They start off running, dive in straight to the point, challenge values and beliefs, are interactive, spark conversation and debate, and most important, they break the boredom!

Supported by

  • One World Book.
  • One World Posters.
  • One World Social Media.

Ideal for

  • When speaking alongside another presenters.
  • Breakout quick fire sessions at conferences.
  • Breaking the boredom at conferences. 
  • Introducing a unique way of thinking about a topic.


Are You An Event Organisor?

I'm here to make your job as an event organisor easier with a selection of media and assets that will help make your event a success!
Event Organisor Media and Assets
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