The Creepy That Crawl

The story of venomous creepy crawlies in your garden and home


Venomous animals in the garden and home, represent a conundrum to the human mind. They are capable of doing us great harm and in rare instances, even cause death. But at the same time, these creatures are a vital part of the environment that support our basic requirements for life. How can we, or is it even possible to rationalise our relationship with these creatures?

The Creepy That Crawl focuses upon our relationship with those undesirable venomous animals that inhabit our garden and home. It offers a unique perspective of the 4 principles of One World Sustainability onto our perceptions of venomous animals. These principles are:

  • Our values and beliefs are often based upon what we do not know
  • Their existence is vital for a healthy ecosystem.
  • Our actions determine the reaction.
  • We can co-exist in harmony.

The Creepy That Crawl, is a must for anyone battling to come to terms with those undesirable aspects of Mother Nature. Ideal for promoting a sustainable mindset or promoting sustainability iniuatives. Supported by the One World book, Essential Scorpion Sting First Response book.


  • A 45 minute highly interactive, entertaining and thought provoking session.
  • No visuals means this presentation can be targeted at the audiences values and beliefs.

The Analogy

  • Leverages perceptions of venomous animals as an analogy for the 4 principles of One World Sustainability
  • Understanding the influence of our values and beliefs.
  • Change our values and beliefs and we can change the world!


  • The train of thought of this session, follows the audiences interaction.
  • This discussion can be used to address specific areas of sustainability.
Arrange this presentation for your group or organisation
Send your ideas, requirements and dates to Jonathan at and let's make it happen!

Comments & Feedback

Congratulations on your very informative presentation at Panorama Estates on 2022-02-17. It was slick, very professional, and jam-packed with interesting, valuable and thought-provoking information.

Your relaxed and easy presentation style (tinged with humour!) put the audience at ease from the outset — this was evidenced by their participation and the number of questions posed and their willingness to share their personal experiences. All their questions were answered immediately, with no frustrating "I'll get back to you on that" lacuna-replies, which repeatedly evidenced the depth of your knowledge of your subject. Also, with every question that necessitated a tangential answer, you ensured that you returned seamlessly to your main discussion point — always a sign of a true professional!

In hindsight: Perhaps the audience's fascinated interest can actually be summarised by the minor disruption caused by the wheel-chair -bound gent who asked to be moved further forward, so that he could hear you better!

Ray Spencer
Panorama Garden Club

Thanks for the very informative presentation at Panorama, you have a wealth of knowledge not just with the little crawling friends we have in nature but with nature in general. Your interaction with the people and keeping it interesting from start to finish is great, hope more retirement villages invite you to share your knowledge with their residence. Just by putting their minds at rest of what to do if they do come across something out of the ordinary from nature. Keep up the good work and wishing you all the success you deserve.

Janet Dryer
Panorama Garden Club

I nearly did not attend your presentation because the description said it did not contain any slides or pictures. I now understand how powerful the way you conducted the presentation was. You were like an old friend around a campfire, following the train of thought given to you by the audience, yet... bringing it back to provide structure, delivering your message as if by magic. This can only be done by someone who deeply understands the subject, and who is truly a professional speaker. Well done! You surpassed my expectations.

I would not hesitate to recommend you and will certainly join you for one of your events at Kloofendal Nature Reserve. The world desperately needs your understanding, your knowledge and your message right now.

Janus Bothma
Kloofendal Nature Reserve
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