Da Vinci Poster

One World Poster Download

Spread the message of One World by downloading this One World poster. Use it to inspire, educate and make the world a better place! Posters are A3 in size and can be printed in any size required.


One World Session I - Right Here, Right Now!

Posters taken from Chapter 1 - You Are Here, and Chapter 2 - A Fatal Disconnection, of One World. 
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One World Section II - Creating An Understanding

Posters taken from Chapter 3 - Misspent Value, Chapter 4 - Units & Systems, and Chapter 5 - The Ego/ Eco Paradigm, of One World.
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One World Session III - The Future Starts Now!

Posters from Chapter 6 - The Road To Sustainability, and Chapter 7 - Earning The Future, of One World.
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Eco-Anxiety takes a look at the causes of anxiety, how to reframe anxiety as a driving force for solving the challenges of our time, and building a prosperous new future.
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Bite Me!

Bite Me! asks the question, if we can be so wrong about spiders, then what other areas of our lives can we be equally wrong about?
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November 9, 2020
Thoughts For The Future

I spoke at the 2020 Friends Of Kloofendal annual general meeting. I had a few requests for a copy of the presentation. Instead of emailing text, I recorded an audio file of the presentation.

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July 7, 2020
All Zoomed Out?

Since lockdown, we have all discovered that Zoom and other virtual presenting platforms are like Powerpoint. You can bore someone to death, inflect torture and pain on an unimaginable level, and someone else can wow and connect to the audience. The difference is not the technology, but the speaker. If your online meetings have been […]

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June 15, 2020
Kowie Museum Ant-Ticks 2019

It was a chance to inspire and educate the next generation of conservationists and underpin the importance of insects in the greater scheme of things.

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June 1, 2020
How We Treat The Environment

Just as a spoiled child demands a new toy or a bar of chocolate at the checkout counter, mankind has viewed natural resources with much the same childish bravado. The temptation to desire something, or to exploit a resource as we see fit, is justified by the human perception of ownership. In our attempts to […]

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June 1, 2020
A Fatal Disconnection

When I was growing up in England in the 1970’s I, like everyone else at that time, watched the news on TV before dinner. From Ethiopians starving to death in their war-torn country, commercial loggers chopping down the Amazon rain forest, and Green Peace harassing Japanese whaling ships, it seemed terrible that mankind could inflict […]

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June 1, 2020
The Ego/ Eco Paradigm

The question of how much do we impact upon the environment can be tricky to answer, simply because we are rarely cognisant the consequences of our actions. So much of our impact is hidden from us either through society, or by the organisations who manufacture the products that we use. For example, consider where your […]

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