One World Book

by Jonathan Leeming

We are the first generation who truly understands that the world our children grow up in will be vastly different from our own. How we overcome the challenges of our time, will make the difference between a world that we tolerate, and a world in which we prosper.

One World is for everyone who:

  • Feels they are living in a period of change.
  • Feels uncertain about the future.
  • Wants to make the world a better place.

One World is divided into 3 sections. The first section, Right Here, Right Now, is an exploration of our current situation. The second section, Creating An Understanding, touches upon the broader and more important concepts that create the foundations for understanding the world that we live in. The third and last section, The Future Starts Now, focuses upon the change management, innovation and leadership that is so desperately needed to create the world we desperately desire.

 Jonathan Leeming is a proud recipient of a 2020 Eco-Logic Environmental award for One World and associated presentations, workshops, activities and free resources. 
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Comments & Feedback

I have started reading your book and I must say, I cannot put it down. It is written excellently, I love how intellectual and honest it is, something I actually want to read…I hardly read yet I impulsively just knew that I needed your book

Laylaa Suliman

One World should be required reading for everyone.

Rita Hallam
Scotish Ski Council

Thank you for writing your One World book. It has helped me understand the world and focus my efforts to, as you say... to make the world a better place!

Mark van Zyl

Insightful & value adding is what describes this book best for me. In a world of uncertainties, fast- changing technology making it hard to keep up with so much anxiety, One World is truly the answer, engaging and thought- provoking.
A read I suggest to everyone who wishes to make a difference.

Sibonga-Okuhle Shezi

Your book One World speaks to all of my concerns and questions for my future and the future of my family.

Simone Cilliers
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